New team added and team withdrawn at U7
Harold Hill U7 have withdrawn and been replaced by Harold Wood Cougars Black U7. They will pick up existing fixtures scheduled from this week. Any issue speak to your league rep.
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Harold Hill U7 have withdrawn and been replaced by Harold Wood Cougars Black U7. They will pick up existing fixtures scheduled from this week. Any issue speak to your league rep.
New team added - West Horndon U10 fixtures amended to include them from 1/10/17 Any issues speak to your league rep.
OPR have entered a new team U9 Yellows, fixtures will be added soon.
Linford wanderers U7 Red have entered the league and have taken over existing fixtures scheduled. The U7 Black team have now joined and fixtures will be adjusted soon
Brandon groves have withdrawn their U9 team with immediate effect. If you were scheduled to play them you currently have a free week with no game. If a new team comes in later they will pick up their fixtures.
West Ham Girls U10 have withdrawn from the league, their fixtures have been removed. Remaining fixtures have been adjusted. Any issues please speak to your divisional rep.
First set of fixtures added and U9 updated to accommodate a new team. Any clubs having issues with fixtures should speak to the relevant divisional rep. No fixtures will be changed without their agreement
OPR Black U9 have joined the league they take up the spare slot in the original fixtures.
Notice is hereby given of the Annual General Meeting of this Competition to be held on Thursday 23rdJune 2016 in Stifford Clays Club, Cramaville St, S.Clays at 8pm. The hall is situated beside Harty Close Complex.
Fun days Sat 23rd & Sun 24th April 2016 - details to follow Exhibition day Sun 8th May 2016 - details to follow
St Cleres U7 are joining the league, they will pick up fixtures that were originally the spare team for the rest of the season.
New team in U8 age group, OPR Black will take on position in league that was TBD from the 7th February
All age groups have fixtures up to 17th April 2016. Any issue speak to your divisional rep.
Sunday 10th May 2015 at East Thurrock United Football Club SS17 9LB
Some NEW fixtures have been added.
Fixture & team changes from 25/1/15
Managers Meetings Monday 8th or Tuesday 9th September. Depending on age group.
Cricketers Horndon have withdrawn from the league. All results and fixtures have been removed as they have not completed 75% of them.
Exhibition & Cup Final Day Sunday 4th May East Thurrock Football Club SS17 9LB
Thurrock YFC U7 have replaced Romford Flyers in the league from 10th November.
Romford Flyers U8 have been replaced by Thurrock YFC U8 in the fixtures
Linford Wanderers have withdrawn one of their U9 teams
Brandon Groves U8 have been withdrawn and replaced by Linford Wanderers
Here are the cup finalist schedules for the Finals this season These will be played at East Thurrock United Ground at Rockery Hill Corringham. Their will be an entry fee for spectators of £3 adult . £1 Childeren/Consc.
Aveley Hammers U10 have withdrawn form Plate Group 1 All fixtures have been deleted