Cambridge & District Cols League Rules
Please make sure that all teams are aware of the Rules that govern the League.
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Join the Cambridge United Coaches Assocaition for £20 a club and all coaches can attend the monthly events.
For 2013/14, The Cambridge United Coaches Association has been revamped to fit more clearly with the aims and objectives of being a club at the heart of the community. The membership structure has changed from individual memberships, to club memberships. The result will be that once a club has paid their £20 annual fee they can send as many coaches as they wish to events (the only ones with limited numbers will be Academy match-days and talks at the club where spaces will be limited).
Joining is simple, To secure either you or your club's place, click here to book online, under the Coaches Association tab. Once you have registered, you will be contacted by a member of the Coaches Association staff to confirm your subscription.
The Coaches Association, overseen by Cambridge United's Head of Sports Science, Matt Walker, will keep in contact with your club with information in the coming weeks regarding each month, the process was launched in September. The Coaches Association will continue with a range of practical demonstrations, talks and Academy match days throughout the season.
The Next event for the Coaches Association is on Tuesday 19th Nov with Mr Thomas Pell hosting at Linton Village College CB21 4JB 6-7.30pm on building a session from a technique to a Small Sided Game
Please make sure that all teams are aware of the Rules that govern the League.
All Teams U12 to U18 are given Respect Vests by the Colts League. One Green to worn by the linesman, one Orange to be worn by a parent in a non confrontational role of helping promote Respect at the pitch side on matchday.
Please follow the link for the Rules of the Cambridge & District Colts League.