League Rules
Rules for season 22-23
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Weekly Checklist
Avoiding Fines 2022-23
During the season you need to have done the following each week you have a fixture:
Tuesday by 14:00 – All match details need to have been entered on the Full Time website, all FA marks, your starting team line up, substitutions and goal scorers from the previous Sunday’s fixture.
Tuesday by 18:00 – If you are the home team you must have confirmed with your opposition and the referee details of the following Sunday’s fixture.
If you are the away team and haven’t heard use the auto email to contact the opposition, all details of clubs and referee’s are also on the website www.bdsfl.co.uk
Sunday by 10:15 – Home team to provide match ball & assistant referee’s flags to the referee. Home team responsible for nets & corner flags and paying the referee’s fee £35.
Sunday by 13.30 – Reported your match result to FA Fulltime SMS service, if there is any problem doing this please email the result to the fixture secretary at fixtures@bdsfl.co.uk. The text will be like below example
“FA Full-Time Results: STA v WXR, Sun 23 May 10:30.
Reply home and away scores in format: H-A STA e.g. 3-2 WXR”
You would reply just “3-2 STA if you won 3-2 and are the home team or 3-2 WXR if you are the away team and lost 3-2.
The score line should be kept the same as the SMS format if you’re the home team your score entered first, then the away team your score second.
Please remember full time record’s a timestamp of when the FA Fulltime SMS is reported and this will be checked weekly. Results and tables will then auto update on the website for all to view once both teams SMS are matched.
If you don’t not get the FA Fulltime SMS please email your result to fixtures@bdsfl.co.uk before 13:30
General – All clubs are required to attend the Yearly & Half Yearly AGM’s
We would like to wish all our clubs the best for the coming season.
Yours In Sport
Bedford & District Sunday League Management Committee
August 2022