Halifax & District A.F.L
Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 18th December 2023
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HDAFL March Minutes
Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 13th March 2023
Apologies: M.Gavan
Clubs Absent: Greetland AFC Sowerby Bridge
President, Welcomed everyone to the March meeting. Congratulations to Shelf Utd on winning the Premier Division title. On a sad note President informed the meeting that Joe Reid the Treasurer for 40 years will not be doing it next season, he has decided that he has had enough, anyone interested in doing the treasures job please let Secretary know asap, so that a hand over can be arranged.
Secretary Report:-Minutes of the meeting held 13th February 2023 were accepted. Secretary informed meeting that if anyone has any rule changes for next season let me have them so they can be sanctioned by WRFCFA before put to the AGM.
Treasurer Report: - Fines still not paid so these must be paid asap Treasurer reminded any clubs that have not returned trophies won last year must be returned to him asap Any clubs fined must within 7 days of notice of the fine, choose one of the five (5) options and let secretary know, if option one is your choice fine must be paid within 7 days.
Fixture Secretary Report: - 4th March referee informed fixture secretary he could do a game in HDAFL as he was doing a County Cup game, he was given County Cup game well in advance but not told HDAFL. Once again can clubs go onto their league statements and remove ani o/s suspensions which have been served. Mid week games to commence from 1st April, Monday’s, Wednesdays & Fridays but no club will play more than 2 games per week. There will be games played on Easter Saturday.
Registration Secretary : Nil
Referees Report:- Still tight
Still no appointment secretary, anyone interested please contact me.
FA Report:-Been no meetingl
Astley’s:- Going well re car parking to be made better, 2 quotes received for the drainage. Architect submitted plans for changing rooms
CMBC: - All facilities will rise by 10% for next season
A.O.B:- Icon Athletic asked what can be done re racial abuse if referee does hear it and report it, unfortunately there is not much that can be done except maybe photographic evidence of player using racial comments.
Date of next meeting is on TUESDAY 11th April 2023