Halifax & District A.F.L
Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 18th December 2023
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Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 13th February 2023
Clubs Absent: Thornton CC AFC, Sowerby Bridge
President, Welcomed everyone to the February meeting.
Secretary Report:-Minutes of the meeting held 9th January 2023 were accepted. No matters arising. Read out 2 emails, first one was from D.Cartwright a local referee who is looking into starting a 3rd division with it being classed as a U23 with 4 over 23 playing in each team. This is to bridge the gap from junior to open age football locally. If interested think about it and bring any ideas you have to the next meeting, or email to secretary
Second email from Shelf FC re Northowram not being dealt with by HDAFL for playing on Northowram Rec without permission, the management committee dealt with it as soon as we were made aware and Northowram did not play any more games at the Rec. CMBC will be getting in touch with Northowram for payment for the Rec
Treasurer Report: - Any outstanding fines to be paid tonight, not all were paid so fines will be sent out to the offending clubs. Treasurer reminded all clubs that won trophies last year that the trophies to be returned to treasurer before 1St March 2023. Any clubs fined must within 7 days of notice of the fine, choose one of the five (5) options and let secretary know, if option one is your choice fine must be paid within 7 days.
Fixture Secretary Report: - Saturday 4th February at 10-30am received a call telling him that referee for the Calder 76 v HRRS had been taken off by WRCFA to referee a County Cup match. Asked club secretaries to go on WGS and check any of their players who have served suspensions to remove from list. Team sheets to show any red, yellow, sin bins must be entered or fines will be issued
Registration Secretary : Nil
Referees Report:- Been tight on a couple of weekends.
Still no appointment secretary, anyone interested please contact me.
FA Report:- Nil
Astley’s:- Going well re becoming registered charity. 2nd quote re drainage for top field received. Architect contacted re plans for changing rooms
CMBC: - Nil
A.O.B:- Was asked when do night games start, meeting told after clocks go forward last weekend in March
Date of next meeting is on Monday 13th March 2023