December's League meeting will be held on Zoom ALL TEAMS are required to attend.
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Minutes of the extra-ordinary general meeting held prior to the AGM on 7th June 2017 at The Melville Hotel Stretford regarding Rule changes and SCOR Rules provided by Manchester FA. There were no proposed Rule changes submitted prior to the AGM .
Minutes of the extra-ordinary general meeting held prior to the AGM on 7th June 2017 at The Melville Hotel Stretford regarding Rule changes and SCOR Rules provided by Manchester FA. There were no proposed Rule changes submitted prior to the AGM . The SCOR Rules had been circulated by e-mail to all clubs and committee members prior to the AGM. The SCOR were accepted unanimously by those present.
Minutes of the AGM followed the above extra – ordinary meeting.
1. Notice of convening the meeting was read by League Secretary John McFadyen
2. Member clubs had signed the register and Roll Call of member clubs was made.
3. Chair Tony Blair advised that minutes of the 2016 AGM were on the web.
4. Treasurer John McFadyen had circulated the audited accounts prior to the meeting. He went through advising of debts still outstanding but that those clubs still remaining in the League were clearing their debts with monthly payments. He apologised for the furore caused over The Buck Inn and gave a full explanation of their circumstances along with details of payments received from them and the Chesman League. Balance will be pursued with their registered players during next season.
5. Auditor was unable to attend.
6. Stretford Victoria proposed and Cheadle Hulme Albion seconded that the accounts and balance sheet be approved and adopted. Carried unanimously.
7. Tony Blair was elected as chair and John McFadyen as League Secretary and Treasurer.
8. Tony Henderson, Mark Ewbank and Stuart Liston were elected to the committee. Tony Blair pointed out that if it was not for the sterling work done by Tony Henderson and John McFadyen then the League would have ceased to exist. Applause all round.
9. Fergus Kilroy and Linda Taylor were elected as auditors.
10. It was proposed that the Honoraria for the Referee Secretary should be swapped with the amount shown for the fixtures secretary as it was felt that was a more onerous role and that an increase be given to the fixtures secretary – proposed at £200.00 increase by Stretford Victoria and seconded by Hulme and carried unanimously. Figures now read £220 for the Referee Secretary and £530 for fixtures Secretary. Other figures stay as previous.
11. Tony Henderson that we had registered only 720 players this season due to the decrease in team numbers but a further 420 had been registered and then removed to try to keep clubs below the 25 to avoid additional payments. Tony pointed out the difference for next year as clubs register on WGS which will keep a cumulative total. Questions were fielded re time limits on registration during the season with explanations given. Tony also advised on the procedures re ID cards and stated he will issue these but teams will have to register their players prior to the start of the season or else they will not be able to play.
12. With regard to fixtures Tony Henderson advised there was a total of 238 league games, 62 cup games and 13 divisional games all scheduled but there had been 199 matches re-organised. In the end 98 matches were postponed and 23 awarded. Tony discussed the 6 week rule and the flexibility or not of some teams in co-operating with others requests. He will try to schedule 2 months fixtures at a time for next season provided we have all the necessary information to allow this to happen.
13. Tony Henderson reported that there was 96.6% coverage this season which was the best that he can remember in the past 10 years. He has issued 27 applications to referees for next season and is awaiting the responses.
14. Tony Henderson pointed out that w have 2 web sites to view:- The MASFL web as well as the Full Time Web. In addition the league also has information on its Facebook Page, but cautions as to how people use this. Likewise Twitter which is not our web.
15. John McFadyen gave thanks to Tony Henderson for fielding and responding to any problems which arose during his absence in New Zealand, but pointed out that this was our Leagues 70th year. He has been involved in the League for the past 40 years but did state that the past 2 years had been difficult for a number of reasons. Advised that ‘Grass Roots’ football did not appear to receive the same support from the FA as Ladies and Junior football but it is pleasing to see our League still going.
16. Tony Blair stated that if it was not for the likes of Tony Henderson especially and John McFadyen then this league would no doubt have gone the way as so many others had. He asked the floor to show their appreciation .
17. Notified business as follows.
Presentation was made to the Referee of the year who is Dominic Nolan. Presentation was made by Tony Henderson. Dominic gave a short speech stating as he was no longer young enough to play then refereeing kept him involved with his love of football.
Applications from new teams as follows:-
All were voted in after being introduced and provided they satisfy all checks being made.
John McFadyen then advised that due to external factors he was resigning with effect from 31 December 2017 and that we will therefore need replacements for his Roles. Tony Blair voiced his shock at the news but did state John had perhaps stayed 2 years longer than he should given the circumstances but understood his reasons.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.34pm.