USFL History
Past League & Charity Cup winners
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The RN FA/USFL Futsal tournament will take place at HMS TEMERAIRE 1230 1630 13th May 15 (Mens tournament) & 27 May 15 (ladies tournament)
The will be conducted in accordance with the FIFA & the FAs Futsal Fives Playing Rules modified by the RN FA Futsal Rules, please contact the USFL secretary for details.
The number of entries will be limited to 8 teams per event.
Entry forms are avaialble from the USFL secretary.
This is an RN FA sponsored event, which will be held in the Gym at HMS TEMERAIRE, and to facilitate this the number of entrants is strictly limited to 8 teams. As the tournament is part of the RN FA development plan priority will initially be given to RN/RM teams, however, entry is open to all USFL member teams please contact the Secretary for further details.
Past League & Charity Cup winners
The USFL Virtual AGM will be held 29 July at 1400 using MS TEAMS, for invite contact me on MODNET
Congratulations to HMS COLLINGWOOD who beat HMS Heron 4 – 1 to win the USFL League Championship