FA Standard Mini Soccer Rules
Mini Soccer Rules - FA
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FA Level 1Course for Females Only £80 Oxfordshire FA willbe running an FA Level 1 Coaching Course for females starting 7th July inOxford. The course is ideal for those who want to learn about footballcoaching and practices in confidence.
FA Level 1Course for Females Only £80
Oxfordshire FA willbe running an FA Level 1 Coaching Course for females starting 7th July inOxford. The course is ideal for those who want to learn about footballcoaching and practices in confidence.
The 30 hourcourse is scheduled post playing season and before the summer holidays, so noexcuses get booked on today!
For moreinformation on dates, how to book your place and available funding for thiscourse go to www.oxfordshirefa.com/Development/WomenandGirls/Female+Coach+Development or download the PDF attachment.